Setting Saklar Relay Module dengan Arduino

Equipment :
1. Relay Module
2. Arduino

Skema diagram :

This is C++, so the single quotes are used for character literals. If you want string literal, you have to use double quotes. However, string literals can't be used in switch.
And you can't definitely use it like that if you are reading only one character.
However you can use single characters for this:
#define CH1 2  
#define CH2 3 
#define CH3 4 
#define CH4 5

void setup(){

  pinMode(CH1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CH2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CH3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CH4, OUTPUT);

void loop (){
  if (Serial.available()) {
    char ser =;
      case '1':  onPin(CH1); break;
      case '2':  onPin(CH2); break;
      case '3':  onPin(CH3); break;
      case '4':  onPin(CH4); break;
      case '5': offPin(CH1); break;
      case '6': offPin(CH2); break;
      case '7': offPin(CH3); break;
      case '8': offPin(CH4); break;

void onPin(int8_t pin) {
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

void offPin(int8_t pin) {
  digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
Or you can toggle the relay states.
Test strings as commands are little bit harder to use as you have to read whole command (or use state machine). Following example is little bit unnecessary hard but it's working...
constexpr uint8_t     channels = 4;
constexpr uint8_t ch[channels] = { 2, 3, 4, 5};

template <uint8_t pin, uint8_t val> void setChan() {

  Serial.print("setChan: "); Serial.print(pin);  Serial.print(' ');  Serial.println(val);

using action_t = void(*)(void);

action_t  on_actions[channels] = {

action_t off_actions[channels] = {

void setup() {

  for (auto pin : ch) {
    pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);

String command = "";
action_t action = nullptr;

void loop() {
  if (action != nullptr) {
    action = nullptr;

void serialEvent() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char inChar = (char);
    if ((inChar == '\r' || inChar == '\n')) {
      if (command.length() > 0) {
        if (command.startsWith("on")) {
          uint8_t channel = command.substring(2).toInt()-1;
          if (channel < channels) {
            action = on_actions[channel];
          Serial.print(" On="); Serial.print(channel+1);
        } else if (command.startsWith("off")) {
          uint8_t channel = command.substring(3).toInt()-1;
          if (channel < channels) {
            action = off_actions[channel];
          Serial.print(" Off="); Serial.print(channel+1);
        command = "";
    } else {
      command += inChar;